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<div1 type="fly-title"> <pb/> <head>The Original Journals of Captains Meriwether <lb/> Lewis and William Clark</head> <ornament type="line"/> <head><i>THE JOURNALS PROPER</i></head> <p/> <pb/> </div1> </front> <body> <div1 type="chapter" n="I"> <pb n="3"/> <head><i>The</i> ORIGINAL JOURNALS OF <lb/> <!-- this is a divisional title --> LEWIS AND CLARK</head> <head type="main"><smcap>Chapter</smcap> I</head> <ornament type="line"/> <head type="sub"><i>FROM RIVER DUBOIS TO THE PLATTE</i></head> <head type="desc">Clark's Journal and Orders, January 30–July 22, 1804 <lb/> Entries and Orders by Lewis, February 20, March 3, May 15, 20, 26, and July 8, 12</head> <ornament type="line"/> <div2 type="section"> <head>[PRELIMINARY MEMORANDA]</head> <div3 type="subsection"> <head><hi rend="left">[Clark]</hi></head> <p>CAPT<sup>S</sup>. LEWIS & CLARK wintered at the enterance <lb/> of a Small river opposit the Mouth of Missouri <lb/> <!-- page continues -->